Hello, good evening and welcome to my new blog, teetude.

I originally set up teetude on Twitter with a view to designing my own t-shirts and hoping some misguided fools might want to buy and even wear them. I haven't quite got a handle on this yet. I've got plenty of ideas, but lack the skills.
Anyway, in the interests of keeping up the work I did before over on my personal blog, RickLamb.co.uk, with Tee Du Jour. I'd loaded up the site with all manner of rubbish and, while the traffic is healthy, I'd rather draw the specific areas of interest apart.
Which is why teetude, the narrowest but probably most plentiful area, is now off and running.
Check back, follow @teetude or better still subscribe, and you'll see a steady stream of new t-shirts, randomly selected oldies, themed runs of tees, special offers, movers and shakers.
If you want to contact me, hit me up on Twitter or email me here. I'd be more than happy to promote your shirt if it's my kinda thing, or if you sound genuine.
Thanks for reading!
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